The 2021 ENVEREST Challenge: Three Epic Events in Three Months

800 508 Patrick McCrann



“Exercise without competition, without danger or purpose, didn’t strengthen the body…it simply wore it out.”
~ Norman Mailer

Tired of no races?

Tired of just training to train?

Lucky for you, we have the perfect reasons for to you be exhausted: The ENVEREST Challenge. This new series is built off of the success we had in 2020 with the First Annual UltraMay challenge (read the recap here).

We believe that the strategic and deliberate use of volume can boost your fitness.

What’s the Challenge?
And did you say reasons?

Yes, we did use the plural. Technically ENVEREST is three separate events running February, March and May of 2021. Looks like we’re already lying to you.

The events are designed to build upon one another, giving you an incremental path to improved fitness.

There are different levels of completion. The degree of difficulty increases as you either opt into more “work,” less time for the same “work,” or an evil combination of them both.

You’re the one who gets to decide. Yes we think that’s more evil.

Early in the season is great time to experiment, learn, and to find an early challenge to knock the rust off your epic.

Can’t I just do this on my own?

You can definitely roll your one thing. But why would you do that when’t that’s what we’ve all been doing for the last 12 months??? 

This just in: more training alone isn’t more fun.

Join us because we’re doing this Endurance Nation style: TEAMWORK.

TEAM: You’ll be part of our community as you prepare and complete the events. You’ll train and complete each milestone alongside new friends and teammates. There’s a community space and chat channel as well as “event time” live communication.

We can’t guarantee that your ENVEREST will be easy, but we can assure you that you won’t be alone. 

WORK: This isn’t going to be easy. The progression of each challenge is intentional. The options for you are as well; giving you plenty of space to find that sweet spot of just enough but not too much (we promise not to call you Goldilocks unless you deserve it).

The events are distributed to allow for rest and growth. You’ll be pushed but not broken. Challenged but not overwhelmed. 

Sounds like your kind of party, we know. 

We have a great group that will make the event fun and engaged. You will get more out of it because the people are awesome.

How To Get In?

Registration is FREE and open to anyone. Seriously. In these event-free times, having a reason to connect and suffer should be a universal right. So we’re making it one. Learn more & register here.

Since it’s free, this means you can share it with your friends. Or with people you don’t like, tricking them into suffering alongside you. No judgement here. They can learn more online:

You’ll have plenty of time to recover and get back to structured progression.

What Do We Get?

You get a kickass start to your 2021 season, great fitness and new friends. An improved mental outlook and a great deal of fatigue.  Maybe lose a toenail if you count that as “getting” something.

If you really, really want something, you can opt into a SWAG option. For $100 you’ll get some cool gear — regardless of the challenges you do (one or all three) — with a portion of proceeds going to the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

You can order that SWAG through March 15, 2021 here:

If you order after that point, we reserve the right to give practically all of your money to charity. You should feel good about that. Hopefully it overwhelms that anger about not getting epic swag. 👍


Got Questions?

If you have questions or comments, visit us at and use the red chat icon at the bottom of any page to ask your questions.

Need sound? Listen to Coach Patrick’s podcast intro here.

Need context? Read all about what we did last year in Coach Patrick’s recap from the first annual 2020 UltraMay.

Thanks and we hope you join us!



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