
Western Mass 70.3 Race Report

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Anthony Scalise Race Name: Western Mass 70.3 Year: 2024 Goals for this race – – bike smart and avoid the 9 mile death march I experienced at this race last year – implement run fueling improvements using gels – set a baseline for Maine 70.3 in 6 weeks Race day – Up 3:30,…

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how to train for a triathlon swim

Solving for the Triathlon Swim: Reducing Risk

798 800 Patrick McCrann

Solving the triathlon swim puzzle can seem like a daunting task. Another season, and more news of tragic deaths in the swim portion of an Ironman® event. Without a doubt, participating in endurance events brings risks and challenges beyond what the average middle-aged person experiences on a daily basis. While tragedy can strike at any…

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Podcast: Live Interview with VASA

580 372 Mariah Bridges

Join Mariah from Endurance Nation (www.endurancenation.us) for another weekly endurance podcast. This week we interview the CEO and Founder of the  Vasa Swim Ergometer, Rob Sleamaker – to not only find out how he built such a wonderful fitness tool but also the many uses for the Vasa outside of swim fitness. Key Talking Points include:…

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Three Technique Cues to Improve Your Triathlon Swimming

150 150 Rich Strauss

I like to think of swimming technique as being comprised of three broad categories: Horizontal Body Position: think of your body as a horizontal tube moving through the water. You want this tube to be long and with the smallest diameter possible, ie, punching a very small hole through the water with nothing sticking out…

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#ENTriChat "Triathlon Swimming"

150 150 Coach P

December 15, 2014 housed yet another Twitter Chat. This being the last chat of the 2014 year, we focused on “Triathlon Swimming” with sponsor Total Immersion giving away prizes to the chat attendees, it was a great way to end the year! For more information on our swimming education, download our FREE Swimming e-book Link…

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Mont Tremblant Swim Course Preview | Voice of the Nation Podcast

Coach P

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation (www.endurancenation.us) for this review of the swim portion of the full-distance triathlon in Mont Tremblant.

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Why Swimming Year-Round Can Be Hazardous To Your A Race

Coach P

Swimming holds a unique space in triathlon. It’s the shortest of all three distances on race day, yet it often holds the highest level of stress. From our perspective as coaches, swimming is also the most costly training activity you can engage in. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you implement a swimming ban in…

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Three Insider Tips for Racing Lake Placid

150 150 Coach P

Lake Placid is one of the crown jewels of the North American Ironman® circuit. It has something for everyone, from a great course to race on to a beautiful backdrop for your friends and family to enjoy their trip as well. But it’s still an Ironman, and it’s still going to try and put the…

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Seven Swimming Technique Keys Revealed

150 150 Rich Strauss

You’re a triathlete — fit, strong and lean. You’ve been swimming 3- to 5-times a week, racking up the yards. You’re getting fitter and faster…you’re psyched. Then one day you have a scheduling conflict and drop in on the evening Masters with the age group kids next to you…and you’re getting smoked by 12-year-old kids.…

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