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The Secret To Endurance Success

531 354 Mariah Bridges

The Secret To Endurance Success When we think of endurance training, we often look at it from a singular viewpoint. Either by race, by season, by a specific goal. But the real reward is viewing endurance training as well, endurance training… aka, the long game. Each race, each season, every success, every failure, the day-to-day,…

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Cross Training For Endurance Athletes – A Beginners Guide

598 594 Mariah Bridges

  Runners are creatures of habit. We like to run. Especially marathoners, who often favor higher mileage and skip the “extras” that don’t directly contribute to their marathon-specific fitness. Those cross-training workouts – like core work, pool running or cycling, and strength exercises – can have dramatic benefits for marathoners and shouldn’t be skipped. Knowing when to…

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A Year of Run Durability: Unlocking Your Endurance Potential

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach Patrick’s Key Talking Points are: –  Increased Focus on Basic Running –  Run Resiliency –  Building a Running Community –  Run Streak –  Celebrating Consistency Instead of Speed –  Excellent Race Results   Subscribe here: Listen to it on iTunes. Listen to…

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Imagine What Running Every Day Could Bring You?

800 600 Patrick McCrann

Sit back and let us paint you a picture. Imagine you are not a “runner”, imagine your knack is for the top-end speed of sprinting. Do you think within a year you could become an Ultra distance runner and Boston Qualify? Endurance Nation athlete Tim Sullivan has proved that with our resources, training plans and…

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Choosing the Correct Running Cadence

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Understanding proper run cadence can seem like a daunting task, but it should never be overlooked. Correct run cadence will help you maintain good form. Good form reduces the change of injury, and running with good form for longer periods of time will increase your run speed. So in all actuality, run cadence is extremely…

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Your One-Stop Endurance Training Data Solution: Final Surge

800 445 Mariah Bridges

  Training for any endurance adventure takes time, money and patience to understand the best ways to execute the plan. There can be lots of data to look over, but sometimes, convenience is top of the list. Imagine having just the right amount of data, with the ease of an online and mobile app, having…

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Spring Cleaning – Early Season Training Adjustments

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P dives into Spring Training. One of the most important parts of being a successful endurance athlete is being able to adjust. Training, like life, is nothing more than a series of unplanned events coming at you at full speed requiring you…

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EN Asks a Sports Dietitian – Laura Ligos, The Sassy Dietitian of Designed To Fit Nutrition

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Endurance Nation’s Marketing Director, Mariah Bridges, for podcast #658 as she virtually sits down with Laura Ligos – MBA, RD, CSSD of Designed To Fit Nutrition. Designed To Fit Nutrition the newest EN Sponsor, dives into common issues humans face on editing their nutrition from a psychological perspective as well as practical tips and tricks…

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Hi Five Time at the Boston Marathon

Five Reasons to Rethink the Fall Marathon

738 800 Patrick McCrann

Every year athletes wake up in the fall realizing that their season is technically over and that winter is looming. Full of fitness and facing the reality of the coming cold, most athletes try to cram in one more good race for the year. But sometimes one more race is just one race too many.…

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Annual Run Volume By Week

Why You Don’t Run As Much As You Think, and How to Fix It

800 384 Patrick McCrann

One of the biggest issues that endurance athletes face is overreaching. Simply doing too much has the potential for devastating consequences. This is something that everyone knows, but not everyone does. It is a lesson that takes years to learn and is usually a path wrought with injury and setback. But it doesn’t have to…

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