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70.3 Hawaii Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Eugene Partridge Race Name: 70.3 Hawaii Year: 2024 To start with “I almost didn’t”. I was dealing with a rotator cuff injury which occurred only 3 days prior to race start @ the Kona pool. Race day was met by brutal non stop Kona winds, 15 mph sustained, 25 mph gusts, tough going…

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2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Katsuyuki Kiya Race Name: 2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Year: 2024 Total 03:18:09 33rd place (8th place) Swim 0:31:08 81st place T1 2:46 Bike 1:42:15 48th place T2 6:37 Run 1:04:46 20th place Garmin data ○Each data (Garmin) Swim 0:31’02” (2:08/100m) 1450m 7Swolf Heart rate 156/163 Bike 1:36’43” 57.96km AV36kph AV183W NP186W…

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70.3 Chattanooga 2024 Race Report

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Jonathan Benson Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 Prepararion – Pretty closely aligned with the Half Bike Focused plan of 2023. 2024 plan debuted well into my preparation abd I didn’t review or make adjustments. I did make a concerted effort to lose a few pounds. I started the build at 182-183 lbs…

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70.3 Morro Bay Race Report

751 332 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Guillermo Quintero Race Name: 70.3 Morro Bay Year: 2024 a short race report from Morro Bay. This race seemed like a smaller race when compared to Oceanside (there was ~1500 racers). Really cool venue, if you get a chance to visit the central coast of California you should because it’s amazing (I recommend…

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70.3 Chattanooga Race Report

500 500 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Vincent Sivirine Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 After two full IM last year (Nice and Florida) I started OutSeason in January but a month into it both mind and body needed a break. So I took February off and started running again in March (small baby steps, one run at the time…

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Hacking Your Open Water Swim Stroke

800 400 Patrick McCrann

In this update, Coach Patrick Talks about getting back into Open Water

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Breaking the Speed Habit [PODCAST]

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation for another weekly endurance podcast. Coach Patrick breaks down the cost of running too fast in your training. In terms of missed peak fitness, but also in terms of long-term development. The term Ballistic Load applies to the cost of running; and it increases as you run harder. Instead of trying to find a shortcut, use a well-thought season plan to keep yourself run healthy and on track for a better overall season.

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Dede Griesbauer on the Power of Endurance: Triathlon, Ultraman, Virtual Racing and Beyond [PODCAST]

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for a special interview podcast. Our sponsors UCAN (@genucan) invited Dede Griesbauer to stop by the pod to update all of us on the state of triathlon — and the triathlon lifestyle. Three-time IM Champion and UltraMan world record holder, Dede also moonlights announcing Ironman® events both virtual and in the real world. With twice the energy of the average human being, Dede blames all of her success on working hard (she swears she has no talent). I’ll let you be the judge of that.

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A Run Speed Primer [PODCAST]

800 800 Patrick McCrann

In this episode, Coach Patrick breaks down the macro-level tactics for endurance runners to manage their speed training to reap rewards without the typical issues of injury or over-training.

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Eating Clean Review with Coach Patrick [PODCAST]

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P breaks clean eating down into four discrete steps to help you out.

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