Posts Tagged :

race report

2013 Couer d'Alene Race Report: Mark Cardinale

150 150 Coach P

Here’s my rather lengthy Coeur d’Alene race report.  I’m using it as both my race report and my mental debrief on what turned out to be an awesome experience that surpassed expectations on a number of levels. Here are the details if you are so inclined… I have been with EN since October 2012.  2013…

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Texas Race Report: Sarah Gardner

Coach P

IRONMAN TEXAS Sarah Gardner – Bib #1096 Swim 1:24:10 | T1 11:37 | Bike 6:38:01 | T2 9:49 | Run 5:37:40 | Total 14:00:40 Bike: average HR 153 | Avg. power 100W | Max Av. 114 Run: average HR 135 My race nutrition began on Wednesday when we flew into Huston. I just paid extra…

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Revolution3 Quassy Race Report – Coach Patrick McCrann

150 150 Coach P

Rev3Quassy Race Report: Coach Patrick Team Update Rev3Quassy was our first Key Race for the 2013 season…and it was a doozy! Tons of climbing and high temperatures conspired to really test our early season fitness and preparation. It was awesome to spend the weekend with TeamEN folks and to see so many of them ripping…

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Texas Race Report: Jay Lakamp

150 150 Coach P

Jay Lakamp Texas Race Report: May 18, 2013   Race Day Stats: Total Time / AG Place / Overall Place: 16:28:39 / 47th / 1939 Swim Time / AG / OA: 1:36:26 / 36 / 1695 T1 Time / AG / OA: 9:16 / Bike Time / AG / OA: 6:58:50 / 41 / 1685…

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Texas Race Report: Jay Lakamp

150 150 Coach P

Jay Lakamp Texas Race Report: May 18, 2013   Race Day Stats: Total Time / AG Place / Overall Place: 16:28:39 / 47th / 1939 Swim Time / AG / OA: 1:36:26 / 36 / 1695 T1 Time / AG / OA: 9:16 / Bike Time / AG / OA: 6:58:50 / 41 / 1685…

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Texas Race Report: Tim Cronk (Headed to Kona!)

Coach P

Short Version Kona Qualified with a 10:22:09 , 2nd in the M 50-54 AG , 84th OA. 11min PR total and 19min bike PR. Swim 1:13:53 , 26thAG T1 3:07 Bike 5:01:51 fastest AG bike split T2 3:17 Run 4:00:01 2nd fastest AG run split Video Version (Jump to 4:30…

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Louisville 2012: Mark Thompson Races His First Like A Veteran

Coach P

This was my first Ironman® distance race, which was a monumental decision to sign up (enlist?) by itself. What’s more, however, are the giants who stand before me with Ironman® comedy to detail in their race reports – THIS race reporting is a far more daunting task. The likes of Bart Stevens and Jess Withrow…

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Race Results Update – 8/22/12

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We love to hear your results, and here’s another great week full of PRs that give us an impressive 86% PR rate in this report. Members, don’t forget to let us know where you’ve been racing by adding your info here. If you’d like to join our age group members in training to be your best,…

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Race Results Update – July 11, 2012

150 150 Coach P

Race reports since our last late June update are below. 22 races and a 45% PR rate! Members, don’t forget to let us know where you’ve been racing by adding your info here. If you’d like to join our age group members in training to be your best, please Become a Team Member or consider…

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TeamEN vs Texas 2012

Coach P

  Texas 2012 turned out to be a solid day, despite multiple race week events. From moving finishlines (WTC) to daily temperature updates for the lake (wetsuit legal?) to the almost nonexistent winds (they came back), there was lots to talk about. At the end of the day, Endurance Nation put three athletes on their…

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