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race report

70.3 Hawaii Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Eugene Partridge Race Name: 70.3 Hawaii Year: 2024 To start with “I almost didn’t”. I was dealing with a rotator cuff injury which occurred only 3 days prior to race start @ the Kona pool. Race day was met by brutal non stop Kona winds, 15 mph sustained, 25 mph gusts, tough going…

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2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Katsuyuki Kiya Race Name: 2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Year: 2024 Total 03:18:09 33rd place (8th place) Swim 0:31:08 81st place T1 2:46 Bike 1:42:15 48th place T2 6:37 Run 1:04:46 20th place Garmin data ○Each data (Garmin) Swim 0:31’02” (2:08/100m) 1450m 7Swolf Heart rate 156/163 Bike 1:36’43” 57.96km AV36kph AV183W NP186W…

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70.3 Chattanooga 2024 Race Report

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Jonathan Benson Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 Prepararion – Pretty closely aligned with the Half Bike Focused plan of 2023. 2024 plan debuted well into my preparation abd I didn’t review or make adjustments. I did make a concerted effort to lose a few pounds. I started the build at 182-183 lbs…

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70.3 Morro Bay Race Report

751 332 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Guillermo Quintero Race Name: 70.3 Morro Bay Year: 2024 a short race report from Morro Bay. This race seemed like a smaller race when compared to Oceanside (there was ~1500 racers). Really cool venue, if you get a chance to visit the central coast of California you should because it’s amazing (I recommend…

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70.3 Chattanooga Race Report

500 500 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Vincent Sivirine Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 After two full IM last year (Nice and Florida) I started OutSeason in January but a month into it both mind and body needed a break. So I took February off and started running again in March (small baby steps, one run at the time…

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Connemarathon Ultra 64k

800 463 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Dwane Brennan Race Name: Connemarathon Ultra 64k Year: 2024 Firstly, I forgot to add my race plan – work was mental leading up to the race. Lots of travelling and long days 😕.  Maybe grab a coffee as this is a bot long winded. I didn’t have a great sleep the night before,…

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Gasparilla Half Marathon Race Report

800 642 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Valerie Fristachi  Race Name: Gasparilla Half Marathon Year: 2024   The Good: Well-organized race, decent swag (nice t-shirt, hat, reusable shopping bag, good food samples at Expo, finisher medal and towel) Start is near the Convention Center so bathrooms are available, no need for port-a-johns Warmer than the northeast US, but not too…

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Clash Miami Triathlon Race Report

800 411 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Mark Parascandola Race Name: Clash Miami Triathlon Year: 2024 Recap from CLASH Miami: My main goal here was to enjoy the experience and also have a chance to test myself in race conditions early in the season. This race came in the middle of my outseason, so not the ideal buildup (thanks to…

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Pistol 100 Ultra Race Report

492 366 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Ginger Ropka Race Name: Pistol 100 Ultra Year: 2024   I ran the Pistol 100 Ultra last weekend, and it went quite well IMHO.  I can highly recommend this ultra.  It was a 10 mile loop on a paved park path that meandered around a creek and through some woods. It had lamposts…

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Belt Buckle

Earning the Big Buckle at the Leadville 100 MTB: Your Race Is Only Over If You Give Up

800 600 Patrick McCrann

The Leadville 100 course, as depicted in the image, presents a challenging mix of peaks (up to 12,500 feet!) and valleys (holy rocks, Batman) that tested my skills. But the result speaks for itself!

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