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Balancing Triathlon Training Between Miami Heat and DC Hustle: Mark’s Story

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Unlock the secrets to effective triathlon training and immerse yourself in a world of vibrant athleticism with our special guest, Mark, an age-group triathlete who juggles his regimen between the sun-soaked streets of Miami and the bustling avenues of Washington, DC. Hear Mark’s firsthand account of the unique hurdles and perks of Miami’s flat landscapes,…

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Mastering Wetsuit Selection for Triathletes with Coach Patrick: A Race Day Guide

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt like a fish out of water in a wetsuit that’s too tight, or flapped around in one that’s too loose? Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation is here to guide you through the choppy waters of selecting a wetsuit that fits just right and matches the demands of your race day. He dives deep…

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Peak Performance Eating Plans for Triathletes, Cyclists, and Ultrarunners

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever found yourself hitting the dreaded wall during a long race, with your energy stores running on empty? Let Coach Patrick from the administration be your guide as we unlock the mysteries of enduring race day nutrition. Tackling longer events can be daunting, but with the right fueling approach, you can cross that finish line…

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Fueling Like a Machine

800 800 Patrick McCrann

When it comes to endurance nutrition, the magic is in the process

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Volume Files: Training for a Training Camp

800 800 Patrick McCrann

When it comes to endurance nutrition, the magic is in the process.

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Crack the Holiday Nutrition Code

800 515 pmacexn

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to kick off the holiday cheer than by taking care of ourselves? With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to let our health fall by the wayside. But fear not! Here are a few simple ways to stay healthy…

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The Role of Hydration in Successful Spring Training

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick discusses the importance of managing the hydration transition from Winter training to Outdoor training in the Spring

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Emergency Nutrition Strategies

Emergency Nutrition Strategies for Epic Events

800 444 Patrick McCrann

There’s nothing quite like being in the middle of an adventure and completely running out of gas. Not just figuratively speaking, but literally, nothing left inside the tank. Not only do your legs feel hollow but your arms feel heavy. Your gaze is blank and your mind, well, it’s in trouble too. Maybe you’ve even…

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Ironman Boulder Winner

The First Time Triathlon Age Group Winner Feeling

800 800 Mariah Bridges

The First Time Age Group Winner Feeling: Kami Banks at Ironman Boulder We all know the feeling of setting a goal. We make a plan, we work the plan. More often than not the fruits of that discipline is a goal met. However, sometimes, there are a lot of outside forces that take away from…

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The Evolution of Endurance Safety: RoadID Interview

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  The Evolution of Endurance Safety with RoadID Safety is a growing concern in endurance sports. From road hazards to distracted drivers, safety has never been more important. The evolution of endurance safety can not only help us see how far we have come but also see where we are going. Join Coach Patrick from…

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