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2015 Lake Placid Camp Day Two & Day Three Recap

Coach P

We kicked the day off with an early morning walkthrough of the Swim Start and Transition areas. One of the most unique areas of the Ironman® Lake Placid course is the long transition from Mirror Lake to the Olympic Oval. Add in the different transition race set ups, the layout of the oval and you have some real learning to do.

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2015 Lake Placid Camp Day One Recap

Coach P

Without a doubt, today ranks up there as one of the best Placid days I have had here in 15 years of training. No wind. Slightly overcast. Mostly in the 60s. Throw in some great people and a few hills and it’s official — Life Is Good.

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2014 Ironman® Lake Placid Race Recap, an Article by Team Endurance Nation

Coach P

  Ironman Lake Placid 2014 Team Race Recap The weekend kicked off with a great Team dinner at The Cowboy, many thanks to Race Captain Simon Shurey for making that happen. As you can see from the photo above, it was a raucous affair — we took over the entire restaurant for several hours and…

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2014 Lake Placid Training Camp Recap

150 150 Coach P

In our 12th year of coming up to Lake Placid, we were not disappointed by the awesomeness of the Adirondacks. We experienced rain and sun, sampled the hills and headwinds, and even snuck in a few swims in Mirror Lake. With our mission being a complete reconnaissance for the Ironman® in July, I can confidently…

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Lake Placid 2013 – Race Recap

150 150 Coach P

The 2013 edition of Lake Placid will be a race I will likely never forget. With more than 100 athletes, between TeamEN and our training plan customers, race day felt more like a giant party than the premier endurance event of the Northeast US. From multiple age group winners to first-time finishers, to many, many…

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