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Revolutionizing Ironman Training: Susan’s Journey with the Four Keys Approach

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Susan had always believed that more training hours equated to better race day performance—until she found herself juggling Ironman prep with a demanding job and a bustling family life. It was then that she discovered the game-changing Four Keys approach from Endurance Nation, a strategy that redefined her training and race execution. In this episode,…

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Peter Lautenslager Qualifies for Ironman® Hawaii

458 472 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P interviews the intrepid Peter Lautenslager on his recent qualification for Kona by placing second in M55-59 at Ironman® Lake Placid. We worked with Peter to refocus his year, emphasizing the opportunity the Winter training presented. He crushed the Endurance…

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2016 Rev3Quassy Race Recap

600 600 Patrick McCrann

With early June upon us, it was time for another annual pilgrimage to Middlebury CT for Rev3Quassy. Part of the local triathlon scene since 2009, Quassy has been putting the hurt on triathletes for years. And 2016 was no exception! Despite the photo, more than 30 Team Endurance Nation athletes were on hand to experience…

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Happy Fourth of July!

150 150 Coach P

While the Fourth of July is a very “American” holiday, it’s still one of my favorites. Aside from all the awesomeness associated with asserting our independence, there’s a great deal more about the day. Since it’s not a family or religious holiday, everyone gets to hang out and do really cool stuff like go to…

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Happy Fourth of July!

150 150 Coach P

While the Fourth of July is a very “American” holiday, it’s still one of my favorites. Aside from all the awesomeness associated with asserting our independence, there’s a great deal more about the day. Since it’s not a family or religious holiday, everyone gets to hang out and do really cool stuff like go to…

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