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Master Race Execution: Insider Tips from Coach Patrick on Achieving Your Best Performance

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Unlock the secrets to race day success with Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation! Transform your race execution strategy and achieve your personal best without increasing your training volume. Learn from Coach Patrick’s journey through eight Ironman races before qualifying for Kona and discover the pivotal lessons that made the difference. This episode is your roadmap…

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Harnessing Anxiety for a Better Ride Expert Cycling Safety Techniques

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever felt your heart rate spike—not from the workout but from the whirl of traffic as you pedal along? I’m Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation, and I get it. That surge of anxiety when a truck zooms by a little too close is real, and it’s precisely what we’re tackling in our latest…

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2024 Half Iron Training Plans by Endurance Nation

800 450 Patrick McCrann

As we roll into the new year, Endurance Nation is proud to present the 17th edition of our Half Ironman distance training plans. You choose the 70.3 event, and we can get you to the start line ready to execute and the finish line with time to spare!

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Learn from My Mistakes and Balance Your Swim, Bike, Run Training

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt like you’re juggling too many balls when prepping for your next triathlon? Coach Patrick and I, Neisha, are here to ease that overwhelm with our latest mini episode! We’re diving headfirst into the art of balancing the swim, bike, and run without dropping any balls along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned triathlete…

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Mastering Longevity in Sport: Embracing the Journey of the Aging Athlete

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever noticed how the challenges of aging seem to creep up on you, little by little, transforming from those one-off injuries to a series of niggles? That’s exactly what we’re unpacking in our Faster Master Series—a guide through the evolving landscape of master’s athletics. As we chart the course of endurance sports through…

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Mastering Early Season Cycling: Strategies for Training, Enjoyment, and Conquering Camps

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ready to ramp up your cycling season with wisdom that could turn your pedal strokes into podium places? Get set to absorb the transformative strategies I’ve honed from the saddle, as this episode is a treasure trove for both cycling camp enthusiasts and solitary riders seeking to amplify their training. I’m spilling the secrets on…

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Racing Toward the 2024 Olympics: Marathon Trials, Burro Racing, and the Quest for Durable Athletic Wear The Dude Guy

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever hit a wall in your training, where no amount of tough self-talk could push you through? That moment when your legs feel like lead, and your willpower tanks?

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Mastering the Clock: How Time Management Transforms Athletic Performance

800 795 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt you’re too busy to train? You’re not alone. Most of us juggle many roles. Work. Family. Life. It’s tough. So, where does fitness fit in? Often, it’s not about training harder. It’s about training smarter.

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DudeGuy Episode 9: Cycling Adventures: From Professional Races to Off-Road Challenges

800 800 Patrick McCrann

The Key Daily Questions project has expanded the scope of my personal goal to not just focus on adding positive elements to my daily life, but also to track other activities such as travel, daily reading, and weight management

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Cookie Cabin Rewards at Mt Lemmon

March Volume Brings April Power

800 620 Patrick McCrann

It’s official — Endurance Nation has survived the desert of Arizona in our first Spring Volume Camp. It’s been a long time since we had a training camp, and it was AMAZING to meet old friends and make new ones as well. We had 15 athletes at the camp, including Tim Cronk who helped with…

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