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ironman coaching

Race Weekend Spotlight July 31 – Aug 2 and Aug 7 – Aug 9

Coach P

Congratulations TeamEN! Ironman® Steelhead 70.3: 1st Place, Division 1, with 25,215 points scored Ironman® Boulder special congratulations to:  Mark Cardinale – 5th AG 40-44 USAT AG Nationals Tour de Scout Tri – Louisiana Lake Logan 70.3 – North Carolina Steelman Olympic Triathlon Finally, Endurance Nation is currently 1st Overall in the World and Americas rankings, with 660,657 points   [View the…

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The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #4: Semper Fun!

150 150 Rich Strauss

If you’ve stuck with this series so far, you’ve learned about #workWORKS, Return on Investment, and The Box. We conclude the Four Keys of Triathlon Training with: Key #4: Semper Fun In our experience, many triathletes get so geeked out with “my long ride needs to be X and my long run needs to be…

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The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #3: The Box

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and Key #1: #workWORKS. Key #2, Return on Investment, is here. Today we introduce you to the third key we use to guide the training of our athletes: Key #3: The Box Your training plan is a box of workouts. Your life…

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The Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #2: Return on Investment

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I of this series, we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and to our first key, #workWORKS. Today we continue the discussion and give you: Key #2: Return on Investment (ROI) You are an age group triathlete with limited time, money, headspace, and Spousal Approval Units (SAUs) to invest in…

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The Four Keys of Triathlon Training: Introduction and #WorkWORKS

150 150 Rich Strauss

Background In 2007 we published the Four Keys of Ironman Execution — powerful, yet simple to understand and execute, guidance for racing long course triathlon — inspired by our observation of and frustration with so many age group triathletes’ inability to race to their fitness potential. Since then we’ve delivered the live version of the Four…

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2014 IRONMAN® Wisconsin Race Report: Scott Giljum, 11:14, 45′ PR!

Rich Strauss

This is my first ever race report, so just go with me. The short of it is that I set a PR by about 45 minutes, shaving time in all three areas as well as the two transitions (booms all around). I finished at 11:14.xx and was 51 in my age group. Now the LONG…

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Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Report: John Withrow, 10:21, 1st in XC Division

Rich Strauss

Swim:  Goal 1:06-1:10, Actual Swim Time:  1:07:55  (1st out of 10 in the XC, 2:27 faster than 2nd best XC Swim split) I put my wetsuit on as soon as I got to the lake and dropped my morning clothes bag off and made my way to the water.  I had about 15-20 minutes before the pros would start…

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2013 Wisconsin Race Report: Joe Machette – Throws Up All Night, 55′ Course PR, Negative Split Run!

Coach P

IM Moo 2013 – Redemption Race Before I get into this year’s race, a little preamble is in order so that you know where my head was with respect to this course.  On September 9th of 2010, Gen and I received the no-kidding, here’s the result of the biopsy, diagnosis that at the age of…

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2013 Wisconsin Race Report: Jeremy Behler, 2nd Ironman and a 3:27 Marathon

150 150 Rich Strauss

Jeremy Behler en route to a 3:27 marathon! Ironman® Wisconsin 2013 Race Report – Jeremy Behler I want to start out by saying that Ironman® Wisconsin (IMMOO) is an awesome race. If you are even remotely on the fence about entering, get off that fence and go sign up. The course is challenging and scenic…

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2013 Wisconsin Race Report: Scott Carty, 1st Time Ironman Negative Splits the Run!

150 150 Rich Strauss

1st time Ironman® puts up a 15′ negative split run!! The planning for the last year had all come down to this one Sunday in September. To say that I had been dreaming about his day, would probably be an understatement. 20 years ago was the first time I heard about the Ironman. I remember…

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