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2016 Texas Camp Day Two Recap

624 464 Coach P

The second day of training camp is always interesting. At camp dinner the night before there is much hemming and hawing as to which way people will go: ride the full 112 or shorten it? There is a mixture of curiosity, bravado, and a little bit of fear that makes most people push the decision…

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Texas Swim Camp

2016 Texas Race Camp Day One Recap

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Nothing says training camp in the Woodlands Texas like waking up in the dark in the heat. That’s right, one of the things that surprises participants most about this race is how dark it is even right up until 7 o’clock. Which is why I was not surprised to find, at my 6 AM wake-up…

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Coach Patrick’s October Recap / November Planning for 2016

Coach P

What Time Will the Clock Say in 2016?! I have to be honest and say that this is my favorite time of the year. 🙂 I am adamant about taking two weeks off from total exercise at the end of every season. It’s all too easy to get back into training when my body is…

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Coach Patrick — What I Learned During the 2015 Triathlon Season

Coach P

The end of another year is a great chance to review all of our lessons learned…what worked, and what didn’t. As a coach and athlete, I pretty much test all manner of new training protocols on myself before recommenting them to our Endurance Nation athletes. The process of self-improvement is a large part of what…

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Getting Fast – Coach Patrick's 2012 Season Start

Coach P

Coach Patrick on the Lake Placid Course I started the 2012 Ironman® triathlon training and racing season with some very lofty performance goals. It was clear to me at the end of last year that while I was fitter, the competition was getting stronger, not to mention that the overall number of slots for Kona…

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