Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Mastering Electrolyte Balance for Peak Triathlon Performance

800 457 Patrick McCrann

Explore essential strategies for triathletes to maintain optimal electrolyte balance during races, including setting a sodium intake baseline, the importance of sweat testing, and utilizing external electrolyte sources like salt pills to prevent cramps and optimize endurance performance

Electrolyte Mastery for Triathletes: Achieving Optimal Balance for Peak Performance

691 388 Patrick McCrann

Discover the art of electrolyte management for triathletes, focusing on maintaining the perfect balance to prevent cramps and optimize hydration. Learn the significance of setting a 1,000 mg sodium baseline, the importance of sweat testing, and the role of external electrolyte sources for enhanced athletic performance.

Better Endurance Nutrition [When Your Race Changes Course Sponsorship]

800 800 Patrick McCrann

The following is from our most recent Team Roundtable, we covered key strategies for optimizing endurance nutrition based on a detailed discussion among athletes and nutrition…

Mastering Wetsuit Selection for Triathletes with Coach Patrick: A Race Day Guide

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt like a fish out of water in a wetsuit that’s too tight, or flapped around in one that’s too loose? Coach Patrick from…

Pistol 100 Ultra Race Report

492 366 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Ginger Ropka Race Name: Pistol 100 Ultra Year: 2024   I ran the Pistol 100 Ultra last weekend, and it went quite well…

Ultimate Guide to Pre-Race Nutrition: Mastering the Day-Before Diet for Triathletes

800 458 Patrick McCrann

Discover the secrets to fueling for success with our comprehensive guide to pre-race nutrition for triathletes. Learn why the meal 24 hours before your race is critical, and how a strategic diet plan can enhance your performance. From a carb-rich breakfast to smart hydration strategies, find out how to optimize your nutrition for peak performance on race day.

Peak Performance Eating Plans for Triathletes, Cyclists, and Ultrarunners

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever found yourself hitting the dreaded wall during a long race, with your energy stores running on empty? Let Coach Patrick from the administration be…

2024 Half Iron Training Plans by Endurance Nation

800 450 Patrick McCrann

As we roll into the new year, Endurance Nation is proud to present the 17th edition of our Half Ironman distance training plans. You choose the 70.3 event, and we can get you to the start line ready to execute and the finish line with time to spare!

Learn from My Mistakes and Balance Your Swim, Bike, Run Training

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt like you’re juggling too many balls when prepping for your next triathlon? Coach Patrick and I, Neisha, are here to ease that overwhelm…

The Art of Staying Competitive as You Age

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever stood at the starting line, heart pounding, only to realize the athlete staring back at you in the mirror is, well, a…