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Rich Strauss

All Things Hills, for Triathletes, Part 2: Racing

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I we discussed the considerations for training the bike and run in hills. Let’s now turn our attention to racing a hilly course properly. The Bike Ride Steady and Conserve Matches Think of your legs as books of matches. The number of matches in your legs is finite, you only have so many…

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All Things Hills, for Triathletes, Part I: Training

150 150 Rich Strauss

Not matter where you live, it’s likely that with enough time in the sport you will encounter hilly terrain in either your training or racing. Hills can be fun, challenging, and create opportunities for you to excel on race day. In Part I we’ll introduce you to training on hills before turning our attention to…

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The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #4: Semper Fun!

150 150 Rich Strauss

If you’ve stuck with this series so far, you’ve learned about #workWORKS, Return on Investment, and The Box. We conclude the Four Keys of Triathlon Training with: Key #4: Semper Fun In our experience, many triathletes get so geeked out with “my long ride needs to be X and my long run needs to be…

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The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #3: The Box

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and Key #1: #workWORKS. Key #2, Return on Investment, is here. Today we introduce you to the third key we use to guide the training of our athletes: Key #3: The Box Your training plan is a box of workouts. Your life…

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The Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #2: Return on Investment

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I of this series, we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and to our first key, #workWORKS. Today we continue the discussion and give you: Key #2: Return on Investment (ROI) You are an age group triathlete with limited time, money, headspace, and Spousal Approval Units (SAUs) to invest in…

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Endurance Nation Crowned the 2014 IRONMAN® World Championship TriClub!

150 150 Rich Strauss

      We are proud to announce that Endurance Nation has been crowned Two-Time World Champions of the Ironman® TriClub Program (Division I-Clubs 400+ Members). Our 2014 margin of victory was more than 300,000 points over second place. This effectively makes Endurance Nation the world’s largest, most active, and fastest online triathlon team in the world, for…

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The Four Keys of Triathlon Training: Introduction and #WorkWORKS

150 150 Rich Strauss

Background In 2007 we published the Four Keys of Ironman Execution — powerful, yet simple to understand and execute, guidance for racing long course triathlon — inspired by our observation of and frustration with so many age group triathletes’ inability to race to their fitness potential. Since then we’ve delivered the live version of the Four…

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The Three Year Plan: Year 3 – Signature Race Selection and Mental Toughness

150 150 Rich Strauss

In this installment we conclude our discussion of the Three Year Plan (3YP) for Triathlon Excellence. If you’re new to the series we introduced you to the 3YP here, discussed Year One here and Year Two here. Year Three Objectives: Signature Race Selection Single Sport Focus Run Durability Project Volume Camp Reducing the Suck on…

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The Three Year Plan for Triathlon Excellence: Year Two – Smart Planning, and Racing to Potential

150 150 Rich Strauss

Previously in this series we introduced you to the Three Year Plan and discussed the lifecycle of the typical long course triathlete. Then we laid out for you the objectives for Year One of the plan. Today we continue the discussion, moving on to Year Two of the Three Year Plan: Year Two Objectives: Completing…

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The Three Year Plan for Triathlon Excellence: Year Two – Smart Planning, and Racing to Potential

150 150 Rich Strauss

Previously in this series we introduced you to the Three Year Plan and discussed the lifecycle of the typical long course triathlete. Then we laid out for you the objectives for Year One of the plan. Today we continue the discussion, moving on to Year Two of the Three Year Plan: Year Two Objectives: Completing…

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