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70.3 Hawaii Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Eugene Partridge Race Name: 70.3 Hawaii Year: 2024 To start with “I almost didn’t”. I was dealing with a rotator cuff injury which occurred only 3 days prior to race start @ the Kona pool. Race day was met by brutal non stop Kona winds, 15 mph sustained, 25 mph gusts, tough going…

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2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Katsuyuki Kiya Race Name: 2024 Sainokuni Triathlon in Kazo Year: 2024 Total 03:18:09 33rd place (8th place) Swim 0:31:08 81st place T1 2:46 Bike 1:42:15 48th place T2 6:37 Run 1:04:46 20th place Garmin data ○Each data (Garmin) Swim 0:31’02” (2:08/100m) 1450m 7Swolf Heart rate 156/163 Bike 1:36’43” 57.96km AV36kph AV183W NP186W…

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70.3 Chattanooga 2024 Race Report

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Jonathan Benson Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 Prepararion – Pretty closely aligned with the Half Bike Focused plan of 2023. 2024 plan debuted well into my preparation abd I didn’t review or make adjustments. I did make a concerted effort to lose a few pounds. I started the build at 182-183 lbs…

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70.3 Chattanooga Race Report

500 500 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Vincent Sivirine Race Name: 70.3 Chattanooga Year: 2024 After two full IM last year (Nice and Florida) I started OutSeason in January but a month into it both mind and body needed a break. So I took February off and started running again in March (small baby steps, one run at the time…

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Barry & Johns Back Yard Ultra race report

640 360 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Dwane Brennan Race Name: Barry & Johns Back Yard Ultra race report Year: 2024 I had no goals going into this last Saturday except to enjoy the day and learn from the experience. I decided to go ahead with this 3 weeks after Connemara as I was feeling ok, had seen the physio…

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IM St. George 70.3

577 221 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Bob Sherwood Race Name: IM St. George 70.3 Year: 2024 Is IM expensive? Yes.  Do they put on a great race?  I have yet to be disappointed and St George was no exception.  Great venue,  beautiful course and dozen or so great people to race with all of whom I saw at least…

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Learn from My Mistakes and Balance Your Swim, Bike, Run Training

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever felt like you’re juggling too many balls when prepping for your next triathlon? Coach Patrick and I, Neisha, are here to ease that overwhelm with our latest mini episode! We’re diving headfirst into the art of balancing the swim, bike, and run without dropping any balls along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned triathlete…

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Photo by Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash

Unlike 99% of People, You Can Learn to Love Tapering for Races

533 800 Patrick McCrann

Unlike 99% of athletes who dread the waiting and uncertainty of tapering, I’ve found a different path. Tapering, that dreaded phase between training and racing, holds hidden opportunities if you’re willing to do the work.

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Fun Races for Speed

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick explains how intermittent speedwork can be exactly the right does of training, adventure, and fun.

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How to Handle a Deferred Racing Season

800 800 Patrick McCrann

There’s a lot of unfortunate things that can happen over the course of one’s life. Having your big race of the Season moved is not one of those events. But it is disruptive and a real challenge. Not addressing this challenge would be a mistake. You have invested too much time and energy to simply…

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