The Endurance Nation 1-for-1 Coronavirus Scholarship Program Ends 3/31

800 450 Patrick McCrann

1 for 1 Coronavirus Scholarship Banner

Last year when the coronavirus pandemic settled in, Endurance Nation launched a program designed to help front-line workers fighting to keep us safe. Over the last nine months more than 45 athletes took advantage of this program to access training, coaching and community. By all accounts this was a massive success and it was a true team effort.

Athletes from all walks of life participated. Doctors, nurses, first responders, surgeons, epidemiologists, teachers, and many more. Simply processing the scholarships was a good reminder of just how many different professions and different people have been asked to step up in this difficult time. 

Thank you for all you’ve done.

It is with a heavy heart, but eyes toward a brighter and vaccinated future, that we wind down this program at the end of March. If you or anyone you know our front-line worker who has been helping to fight the pandemic there is still time to join. Please head over to, where you will see instructions on how to apply.

At its core the program is very simple. For every person who signed up for paid coaching, we had room to accept a front-line worker looking for support. This built an instant connection between the Team and our newest members. 

It has also been a chance for all of us to get back to the people who’ve actually made a difference since the pandemic started. It’s a very small gesture, but as an athlete I know just how important it is for my physical and mental health to stay active.

At the end of the day we are grateful as a community to have been able to support so many people.

Those of you on the Team who are enrolled in the program, know that your free membership will continue through Halloween of 2021. That’s when we begin our winter training program for the next season, and it seems as good a place as any to draw a line.

While the short-term future right now and the trends of 2021 are still cloudy, things overall do  look positive. We certainly hope to see many of you at races and training camps very soon.

Moving forward, Endurance Nation will continue to seek out community-based means to support athletes who are making a difference. We believe that by working together, small focused groups of people can make a big difference. If you agree, consider joining the movement!

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