
Endurance Nation’s First Time Finish™ Program and upcoming eBook

150 150 Coach P

Endurance Nation is proud to announce our FirstTimeFinish™ Guarantee and our new eBook for first time Ironman athletes

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For Beginner Long Course Athletes: The TeamEN Advantage

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By now you’ve likely heard about our Beginner Open House, coming in April. We’re excited to have you come inside our Team to check out our resources, support, and especially our members. We’d like to take a few minutes here to discuss what TeamEN has to offer the beginner Ironman athlete.

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The Triathlon TriFecta Balance

150 150 Rich Strauss

Meredith Atwood of Most of the time when I tell people that I’m a wife and a mother, they smile. Then I say I’m a lawyer, and I will see a mild grimace pass across their faces. Finally, when I mention that I love triathlon, I see a horror-stricken expression, which is inevitably followed…

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Insider Secrets of Ironman Race Day Damage Control

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Hopefully There When You Need Them, But Be Ready If They Aren’t! After standing on the sidelines of Lake Placid and Louisville this year, I am reminded of two contradictory things. First, how easy my job is. Second, how important it is that I am there. My advice ranges from the profound to the mundane,…

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Top Ten Dumb Things You (Probably) Do Before Every Ironman That You Should Avoid

150 150 Coach P

Not Where You Want To End Up on Race Day   As a veteran Ironman® athlete and traveler, I have been to more than 100 Ironman® events in the last decade. While I have seen my share of crazy stuff, it’s the almost regular occurrence of really dumb moves that astound me. After years of…

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How to Build A Triathlon Season With No Racing?

Coach P

A view of the Ironman® Coeur d' Alene Swim Course From time to time, the Endurance Nation coaches field questions on Facebook, Twitter or via the Support Tab on our Training Plan FAQ page. We reserve the right to share this information if we believe it could be beneficial to the at-large triathlon community! “Rich…

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Four Triathlon Fundamentals Learned from Coaching Thousands of Athletes

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It’s Time to Go Back to Tri School — You Ready??? photo credit: mueritz We initially were going to title this post something like: “Everything I’ve Learned About Triathlon Has Come From Coaching Over 5,000 Athletes, Not From A Random Book”  But that wasn’t as catchy and we’re pretty sure no one would read it!…

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Triathletes: Stop Shopping For Speed

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  photo credit: HĂĄkan Dahlström The triathlon world is littered with expensive bikes and fancy gear — part of the undeniable allure of our sport, on some level, is in the gear. Sure there are many triathletes who do without, but most of us enjoy our toys. The funny thing is, almost none of these things…

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Beginner Triathlon: Avoid These Five Mistakes

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Triathlon’s popularity has exploded in recent years. From single-sport athletes looking for a new challenge, to non-athletes interesting in using the sport as a vehicle for lifestyle change, every race sees first timers standing at the starting line next to veterans with years of tri-experience.

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Triathlon Tip: Internal Goals Yield External Results

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Inside Endurance Nation, we hear goals all the time. From prospective customers to our own members, everyone has a position staked out that is a large part of what drives them on a daily basis. While goals are a natural part of how we operate as athletes, they are not all made equal. A large part of what we do inside EN is turn your focus inwards, towards elements of your fitness that you can control and improve and away from external metrics that could remain out of grasp for a myriad of reasons.

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