Posts Tagged :

triathlon planning

Six Lifestyle Tips to Save Triathlon Training Time

Coach P

Many of us are parents, we are professionals, we are active in our communities, and we support our kids as they do athletics as well as all the activities they do. By the end of the day it is easy to see how the vast majority of your time is simply not “yours.” Yet we all know that getting better isn’t just limited to physical gifts or disposable cash — it’s really about finding a way to be successful given the constraints of our lives.

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4 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make to Improve Your Racing

Coach P

As triathletes, we are constantly juggling multiple priorities: work, life, training, nutrition, recovery, etc. You really can’t wear a shirt that says, “Eat. Sleep. Train. Repeat.” because that shirt in no way represents everything that you do. If it were only that simple.

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Season Planning for the First Time Ironman

150 150 Coach P

This is an excerpt of the first chapter of Endurance Nation’s upcoming eBook for first time Ironman® competitors. The book will be released to subscribers of the Endurance Nation Weekly Update newsletter in early March, 2014. Sign up for the newsletter using the form below to receive your free copy of the eBook.  So you’ve…

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