Posts Tagged :

mental health

what side of the gym are you on?

20 Winter Training Do’s and Don’ts

790 796 Patrick McCrann

Had to dust this one off and tune it up for the impending new year. There is no one right way to train, but there are many better ways than how you are training right now! If you want to dive in, we’ve created a free email course with the details about the OutSeason for…

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Josh Wolf Bikes Across Kansas In Search of a Record Time! ⌛

300 300 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P interviews Josh Wolf on his attempt to set the Fastest Known Time to Bike Across Kansas. Four hundred and eighteen miles under 19 hours and 55 minutes. Um, yeah. Oh, and it’s for a great cause – mental health…

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