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Building Run Durability: Coach Patrick’s Guide to Injury-Free Racing

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Can consistent, frequent running truly transform your race season? Join me, Coach Patrick, as we explore the revolutionary concept of run durability in this eye-opening episode. We dive into the foundational elements that can help you build a resilient running routine, setting you up for success and helping you avoid injuries year-round. From understanding the…

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Podcast: OutSeason Intro and Top Four Questions

350 348 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach Patrick introduces the OutSeason training concept. He explains how you can use our approach to Winter training to break the negative cycle of training results not matching performance outcomes. Key Talking Points How the OutSeason is built Who the OutSeason…

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Hiking Everest Base Camp – An Inside Look

593 591 Mariah Bridges

Join Endurance Nation’s Marketing Director, Mariah Bridges, for podcast #661 as she virtually sits down with teammates Josh and Amber Church who recently climbed Everest Base Camp. We enjoyed a casual conversation between teammates as we discussed their endurance around the world travels as they discussed their trek.   Key Talking Points: Packing List Tips Everest Culture…

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Training Consistency Kills…Your Triathlon Competition

Coach P

It’s that time of year when Kona is done, New Year’s resolutions are several weeks away..and candy and food abound. For most endurance athletes, this is training and racing purgatory.

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Off-Season Guidance

150 150 Coach P

Now is often the time of year when athletes begin planning their training time in preparation for next season’s goals. Motivation levels may be running low, with many athletes experiencing mental fatigue after a long season of focused training. Or motivation may be high, as athletes have seen a glimpse of what can be possible…

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Off-Season Swimming Thoughts

150 150 Coach P

For years we’ve been advising our athletes to swim less, or not all, during the off-season. We are not “anti-swimming.” Rather we want you to carefully consider your return on race day for every training minute, and dollar, you spend across the year. Our advice below is then based on our observations We’ve found that…

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Triathlon Coaching PSA #132: No Winter Swimming

598 334 Rich Strauss

If you are like me, you don’t like to wait. We live in an on-demand world, and nowhere is this more true than in the realm of our performance, where we seek out incremental speed gains by dropping cash on wheels and carbon widgets. If you are planning on being faster next season, and are ready to do the work to get there, here’s the single best tip we can give you this winter: Stop Swimming.

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The OutSeason® and Season Planning Case Studies

150 150 Coach P

Since bringing on board our latest crew of 100+ members and now with the launch of our OutSeason® training plan sales, we’ve been fielding a LOT of season planning questions and discussions. Here are four case studies to help you manage your triathlon season the EN way.

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Google Calendar

The Off Season and the Self-Coached Athlete, Part II: The Time Investment Manager

800 600 Rich Strauss

by Rich Strauss, Endurance Nation In Part I we discussed your role as The Coach. As a typical triathlete, this is the role you’re likely most familiar with, as you search for the latest and greatest training secrets to make you faster. But as your self-coaching instructor, I want you to take a step back…

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Monthly Triathlete Testimonials: February 2010

150 150 Coach P

Every month we collect the testimonials and feedback from our member athletes and training plan users. We are laser-focused on delivering great training plans, and listening to what our folks have to say is a huge part of how we do business.

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